你不用亲自去Janes & Hooch泡上一晚就可以聆听到庞伟仁的私人定制歌单。Jonathan White 撰文。Warren Pang takes us track-by-track through a night at Janes & Hooch. By Jonathan White.

你在拿到最新一期《饮迷》(就是中国版第47期,亚洲版第5期)后会发现, 不但设计上焕然一新,还增加了很多新的专栏。其中之一就是酒吧歌单,这一专栏将聚焦酒吧体验中最重要——遗憾的是也是长期以来备受忽视——的元素之一:音乐。我们每期锁定一个不同的酒吧,深入挖掘酒吧歌单背后的故事,听歌单的策划者讲述他们为什么会选中这些歌曲。

As part of the new look design that is debuting with the newest issue of DRiNK Magazine (47 in China and 05 for the Asia edition, fact fans), we’ve also got a few new regular columns for you. One of these is Playlist, where we take a look at one of the most important – and criminally overlooked – elements of the bar experience: music. We get cerebral with the music programming of a specific bar and operators tell us why those songs work for them.

第一位勇于晒出歌单,让业内同行来围观自己音乐品味的是来自北京Janes & Hooch的庞伟仁。我们绞尽脑汁想了很久到底应该请谁打头炮,想来想去还是觉得Janes和它音乐的打造者庞伟仁最合适。我们请他谈一谈怎样才能确保每首曲子都选得恰到好处,庞伟仁一说到这个话题就兴奋到不行,对自己的选歌秘笈更是倾囊相授。

First up to have his taste in music judged by a jury of his peers is Warren Pang from Janes & Hooch in Beijing.  We thought long and hard about who should be first in the hot seat and kept coming back to Janes and the man behind the music. Warren was keen to wax lyrical and peel back the curtain when it comes to the process for making sure each track hits the right note.


If you want to know why Warren picked these particular songs for his Playlist – SPOILER ALERT: it is definitely not a random Spotify playlist – you’ll have to get the magazine but we’re not so mean as to not share his selections with you.

下面就是庞伟仁的歌单目录,肯定有你没听过的,赶紧听起来吧,也为自己的酒吧歌单找点灵感 。

The playlist is below for you to so you can treat yourself to some new bangers and have a think about what you should be the soundtrack to your guest’s drinking.


Get the magazine here or suggest another bar with a strong music program for an upcoming Playlist by contacting us here.