来自伦敦的知名调酒师、酒吧顾问、《饮迷》的特邀撰稿人Paul Mathew,将在4月12日为北京D Lounge客座调酒,只此一夜。活动将于当日晚上9:30开始。

Consultant, co-owner of three London bars and DRiNK Magazine contributor Paul Mathew will be in Beijing for a one-night-only guest bartending shift on April 12.

Mathew在伦敦拥有The Hide、The Arbitrager以及Demon & Wise三家知名酒吧,他在亚洲的八年时间中,曾担任多家酒吧的顾问。

Mathew, who owns The Hide, The Arbitrager and Demon & Wise in London, and was a consultant for local bars during his eight years in Asia, will be at D Lounge from 9.30pm onwards.

Mathew计划制作四款鸡尾酒,其中三款分别来自其伦敦的酒吧,如The Hide的Bananavadier(波本、甜味美思、金巴利和香蕉)以及Demon & Wise的Stardust(金酒、柑橘席拉伯、粉红柚、香草和茉莉花苏打)。

Four drinks are planned for the night, with three from each of his London bars, like the Bananavadier from The Hide (bourbon, sweet vermouth, Campari and banana) and Demon & Wise’s Stardust (gin, citrus shrub, pink grapefruit, vanilla and jasmine soda).


As a DRiNK contributor, Mathew chronicles the cocktail trends that are taking hold in bars. Check out his stories on swizzled cocktails, umami flavours, sous vide cocktails, and a trend piece on black-hued cocktails in issue 47 of DRiNK – to get a copy, become a member.

D Lounge / 北京市朝阳区三里屯北路4号 / 010 6593 7710
D Lounge / Courtyard 4, Sanlitun North Road, Chaoyang district, Beijing / 010 6593 7710